About Me

Hello, I'm Mila from Jakarta. 

 I am passionate about crafting engaging and impactful content that resonates with the audience. If you require any additional information, please don't hesitate to reach out via lmilazaniao@gmail.com!

Mila's Writing Projects

As a copywriter, my job is to create compelling content that captures the reader's attention. I write product descriptions that highlight the product's unique features and benefits in an engaging manner. With a deep understanding of the product and target audience, I craft persuasive texts that influence purchasing decisions and drive conversions. Here are some examples of my previous writing projects:

Copywriting for Marketplace

Creates a product description in the marketplace description column and product tagline in the product framing for GOTO Living marketplaces.

Social Media Experience

Milosi Interior is a leading company in the interior services sector, working closely with different builders to bring construction projects for homes, apartments, and more to life.

Throughout my tenure at Milosi Interior, I assumed a central role in curating content aimed at promoting the company's offerings. My duties encompassed crafting dynamic copy for various video and photo materials slated for dissemination across Instagram and TikTok. Furthermore, I spearheaded monthly content planning endeavors and formulated captivating product captions to effectively engage our audience.

Copywriting Content

Some examples of product writing content on brochures for GOTO products by PT. Pilar Niaga Makmur.


Providing Clear and Accessible Translations of Usage Instructions from English to Indonesian

GOTO Merlyn product instruction in Bahasa Indonesia

GOTO Abigael product instruction in Bahasa Indonesia

Published Articles

As a Freelance Content Writer, I'm creating articles related to the company’s coverage, including makeup, fashion, and lifestyle.

Penting! 5 Hal untuk Membangun Rasa Kepercayaan dalam Hubungan Bersama Pacar!

Kepercayaan dalam suatu hubungan menjadi salah satu hal paling dasar untuk kelanggengan suatu hubungan. Jika suatu hubungan berjalan tanpa didasari rasa saling percaya, pasti banyak sekali masalah yang akan muncul dalam hubungan tersebut lho, ladies. Cepat atau lambat, kurangnya kepercayaan akan menyebabkan kelonggaran suatu hubungan karena pasangan tersebut tidak saling mempercayai satu sama lain. Supaya hal itu nggak terjadi, simak bersama yuk 5 hal yang akan membangun rasa kepercayaan dalam hubunganmu bersama pacar di bawah ini!

Rekomendasi 5 Exfoliating Toner yang Bikin Wajah Glowing, Bye-bye Kusam!

Kamu pasti mau kulit yang berseri dan nggak kelihatan kusam kan, beauties? Ada salah satu cara nih supaya kulitmu terlihat glowing dan cerah. Caranya adalah rajin menggunakan exfoliating toner pada kegiatan skincare routine kamu. Kalau kamu telaten wajah glowing bukan lagi impian semata! Ada beberapa produk exfoliating toner yang ampuh banget buat dicoba nih. Penasaran kan? Yuk segera cek 5 exfoliating toner yang bisa membuat wajahmu glowing ini!

Let's Get to Work Together